The Center for Human Awakening BLOG

Spiritual Sadhana : Center for Human Awakening BLOG
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The Center for Human Awakening
~ The Psycho-Spiritual Teachings of Richard Harvey ~
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Blogs contained here emanate from questions or responses to themes that arose in psychological and spiritual settings – sessions, groups, training workshops, etc. Please note that blog entries 64-166 are drawn from Richard Harvey’s articles page. This retrospective series of blogs spanned over 25 years; please remember when reading them that some of Richard’s thought and practice have evolved since. We hope you enjoy this blog and that you will carry on submitting your psycho-spiritual questions for Richard’s response, either through the form on our Contact Us page or in the ongoing video blog series. Thank you.

Spiritual Sadhana

by Richard Harvey on 12/19/15

In her incredible book, Chasm of Fire, Irina Tweedie speaks of her master Bhai Sahib. In frustrating moments of jealousy and possessiveness she is miffed that he spends more time with visitors with seemingly negligible spiritual intentions than he does with her.

Bhai Sahib explains to her that his work is threefold. Some people come to see him to talk over their domestic issues, relationship hurts, or difficulties with their children. Others come for spiritual reasons and mostly for the way of dhyana mindfulness or meditation. Tweedie herself is in a third category: full devotional surrender to God.

Reading this book was the first time I had seen these levels of inner work described so clearly. It has helped me arrive at my thoughts on capacity and potential. As healers, counselors, or teachers we accept and meet each individual where they are. Without judgment we relate with the other, in the knowledge that there is very little difference between us in the material world and none at all in the spiritual realm!

We cannot always predict accurately what someone is coming to see us for. Sometimes it is obvious. At other times it is mysterious and hidden beneath several coverings. Sometimes it turns into a level we never suspected. Rarely can or do expectations conform to thought.

The way is bespoke custom-made for your individual needs. You can moan and complain about this as much as you want, but it is the case. In this last week alone in my practice I have counseled one client that her way is the way of devotion. However, her background and conditioning is such that she will always choose the hardest of ways, so she will have to pass through a period of dhyana and struggle in order to realize the absolute ease of surrender to the life of devotion.

Another has the tricky task of discerning his ego-self as it ducks behind quite reasonable interpretations of mind which reflect self-importance (after a mere short examination), playing the victim, and despair. For him, the path of awareness (dhyana again).

If all this should sound like gobbledy-gook to you, the basic principle that underlies this discussion is this: true spiritual sadhana, devotion to spiritual discipline, and sacred-spiritual practices as a way of life does not accrue or progressively get you anything or anywhere.

Personal, domestic, emotional issues demand a practical approach: What should I do? How shall I deal with this problem? This is how you fix the car, so to speak. Deeper issues of character and personality also require a practical approach, although with much patience and tenacity too.

In dhyana a practical approach is adopted toward spirituality. You are encouraged to struggle or relax, meditate or breathe, or practice some other awareness technique. But these are merely ploys to return you to a semblance of naturalness and ordinary living. In contrast, spiritual sadhana is total, timeless. It is your immersement in the heart, not the heart of separative relationship or sex or sentiment or romance or relative, partial relationship, but the heart that is all-inclusive and embraces All.

BLOG entry #22

Comments (3)

1. Carla said on 12/22/15 - 04:19AM
I know I am the one who's path is that of Devotion...why is my background and conditioning so heavy that I still need to stuggle to realize the beauty of surrender to Love? I want to skip this process and come home now...I miss home...I yearn for haert aches and claims absolute reunion and merging and dissapering in my
2. Carla said on 12/22/15 - 05:12AM
This blog spoke to my heart. I know my path is the one of devotion and it feels disecoraging to hear that I will sill have to struggle and medittate for some time to mpcome to relize the ease of surrender to the divine...My heart aches for the cmplete meeting and disapearing in my Beloved...please help i dont want to pospone no more...I love you with all my heart
3. Richard Harvey said on 12/23/15 - 09:44PM
Nothing for you to be discouraged about. The way is Eternal. You are already disappearing into the Beloved and this illusory world of cumulative effort is like a dream. No need to struggle but the one who struggles is not the Witness, nor the Lover of the beloved. You are already One in the Divine. I do not speak in this BLOG of a progressive process of psychological, meditative, and spiritual devotional "steps." Let go of those notions. You are the living essence of the devotee -- how could you doubt it? And everything you do -- even if some of that is a temporary struggle -- is done in the Name of the Beloved. You are already home. This place the very heaven, the paradise of Unity. Simply surrender. It happens now... in this Eternal moment.

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