The Center for Human Awakening Psychotherapy Supervisory Group

Center for Human Awakening Psychotherapy Supervisory Group
The Center for Human Awakening
The Center for Human Awakening
~ The Psycho-Spiritual Teachings of Richard Harvey ~
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Supervisory Group
The Center for Human Awakening (CHA) invites you to participate in supervisory conference calls (via Skype) for students and practicing therapists, counselors, and healers. The purpose of the group is to provide support and development for practitioners and those studying to be therapists, counselors, and healers, who wish to reflect on the issues that arise in their practices. The principles that will guide us, include:

  • As practitioners we are always learning;
  • Personal awareness and reflection are vital aspects of the therapeutic process; and
  • Supervision is distinct from personal therapy as an expression of our ability as practitioners to separate our personal issues from those of our clients.

Please express your interest in the group by emailing [email protected] or by filling out the 'Contact Us' form to the right. When you email us, please share the issue(s) you would like to discuss during the conference calls. We will collate all issues / topics to ensure the widest possible coverage for everyone involved. Please see the list below for possible areas to explore.

When sufficient interest in the group is expressed, we will contact all parties to coordinate meeting dates and times.

We intend to explore the broad ethos of therapy and the healing process by considering:

Philosophical Foundations:
  • Methodology, approach and application
  • Aims of therapy
  • Change and transformation
  • Understanding and insight

Training and Development Skills:
  • Fostering awareness and self-reflection
  • Cultivating warmth, empathy, presence, genuineness and respect
  • Ability to focus
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Increasing knowledge, competence and confidence

Dealing with Dilemmas:
  • Personal issues arising in therapy
  • Boundaries and power
  • Intervention and acceptance
  • The ability to challenge and confront
  • Spontaneity versus preparation
  • Dealing with stuck places

The Therapeutic Relationship:
  • Projection, transference and countertransference
  • Developing an individual approach
  • The role of intuition
  • Therapist’s role
  • Case histories

Psychotherapy supervisory group
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