The Center for Human Awakening BLOG

This is Not a Woman's World Part 1 : Center for Human Awakening BLOG
The Center for Human Awakening
The Center for Human Awakening
~ The Psycho-Spiritual Teachings of Richard Harvey ~
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Blogs contained here emanate from questions or responses to themes that arose in psychological and spiritual settings – sessions, groups, training workshops, etc. Please note that blog entries 64-166 are drawn from Richard Harvey’s articles page. This retrospective series of blogs spanned over 25 years; please remember when reading them that some of Richard’s thought and practice have evolved since. We hope you enjoy this blog and that you will carry on submitting your psycho-spiritual questions for Richard’s response, either through the form on our Contact Us page or in the ongoing video blog series. Thank you.

This is Not a Woman's World Part 1

by Richard Harvey on 10/24/15

Dear Richard,


In my session with you today you asked me, "What female qualities are you suppressing?” My answer came in three dreams and a torrent of insights.

I dreamed that I had to take my children to therapy or some kind of doctor because there was something wrong with them and there we discovered that my sister and I were witches. In another dream my skull was broken in pieces and I knew it was very important to glue it back...even the smallest part could not be left needed to come together with the whole. In a further dream I knew I was suppressing tenderness.

I am suppressing the quality of tenderness and the ability to be gentle towards myself and others... to be soft and patient. I am suppressing the quality of patience...sometimes it gets overshadowed by the pull or energy to get things done. I am suppressing the quality of taking the other in, without wanting to better them or change them... taking them really in just as they are, this also applies to myself and to situations. I am suppressing the gift of really listening to Life or the other... sometimes it gets obstructed by the impulse of telling people what needs to be done. I am suppressing the big part of me that loves to hug, to say loving nicknames, to hug, to caress others. When I make love I am suppressing the enjoyment of foreplay... it almost always gets lost in favor of the urge to come to climax and get it over with.


Richard's reply:


This is not a woman's world. It is a man's world. For so long now the male qualities, the baser male qualities, have predominated. The world is not peaceful and it has not been at peace for a long time. The world is combative, conflictual, it is power-based. When the basis of the world is power it cannot be love. There cannot be love. Love is not really acceptable. When love is not acceptable then neither is acceptance. When acceptance is not present neither is tenderness.


The world, this world, the modern-day world, is so dominated by base male principles that there is no place and no context for a woman to express her naturalness, to be herself truly, and to live into the mysteries of true womanhood.


Your first dream: I dreamed that I had to take my children to therapy or some kind of doctor because there was something wrong with them and there we discovered that my sister and I were witches.


The doctor is the patripsych. The patripsych represents that part of men and women who in the modern day have taken in (or introjected) the male principles of domination and power. We measure our attitude, our success or failure, our performance and our lives against the gauge, the judgment, of the patripsych. He is the dominant one, the embodiment of our collective and individual fears. The child (or children in the dream) is the promise, that part of you that is not yet grown, that harbors your potential. She is brought before the patripsych and it is because there is something wrong. The judge is the patripsych, who decides what's right and wrong, the dictator of morality, the one who tells you how to be and subordinates you to his will. The children are wrong and you and your sister are witches. Witchy energy is feared by the patriarchy, because it is the embodiment of woman's mysteries. Witch energy and attributes are the ones we so desperately need in the world today. Witches are the rebels against the patriarchy and against the patripsych in each and every one of us.


Your next dream: In another dream my skull was broken in pieces and I knew it was very important to glue it back...even the smallest part could not be left needed to come together with the whole.


The broken skull symbolizes the male mind, the egoistic mind of separation and division. In this analytical, separative mind everything that is whole must be broken. Look at the world today, look around you, division is everywhere in the world of the patriarchy: religion against religion, gender against gender, race against race, men against women, mind against body, and so on. This is not the natural way of relationship, of acceptance and confluence. In order to reassemble the parts of the whole, the female principle which is innately all-inclusive, accepting, and preserving of harmony and co-existence must include everything and all, even the smallest parts, nothing can be left out, since all is a part of the whole. It is this very wholeness that we hope in time can heal the world, bring together our parts in all their diversity and variety, accepted and included, to create a future of mutual tolerance, cooperation, and lasting world peace.


The last dream: In a further dream I knew I was suppressing tenderness.


All the female qualities, deepest nurturing and life-preserving traits and behaviors are suppressed in the culture, in our inner and outer worlds. It takes great courage to stand against this tide of inner and outer destruction and say, in effect, I will be true... to gentleness, to love, to true caring and warmth, to compassion, to nurture and nourishing and extend kindness to all my fellow life forms, my brothers and my sisters, to animals and life forms that are in distress, discomfort and fear and suffering. Perhaps the word—and it is a mighty word, a strong word—that summarizes all this so well is... tenderness... [to be continued next week]

BLOG entry #15

Comments (2)

1. Trudie said on 10/25/15 - 12:08PM
Very encouraging to hear the female qualities being seen as much needed. And I recognize the need for courage because the warmth of tenderness tends to melt sturdy iglo's. Structures made of ice will collapse and we will all wade through a lot of mud making better homes..... But I still think you can not know what someone else's dream symbols say. All you van see is your own vision. Which is not a bad one at all though:-)) Thanx for seeing us.
2. Richard Harvey said on 10/25/15 - 07:28PM
Trudie, it is my pleasure and my duty. My personal and spiritual journey has run parallel to the growing awareness of female attributes and the need for them in the present world situation. Largely I leave it up to others to address this most-important issue with thoroughness, but I have tried in each of my books to include some message about women and female qualities, and I am uncompromising on this point: there is no invitation or accommodation for the female qualities of true womanhood to be felt, lived, or expressed in contemporary society. Perhaps when that changes, much of what we abhor in the world will disappear, and the world will transform for the good at last!

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