The Center for Human Awakening Psychotherapy Supervisory Group

Center for Human Awakening Psychotherapy Supervisory Group
The Center for Human Awakening
The Center for Human Awakening
~ The Psycho-Spiritual Teachings of Richard Harvey ~
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Sacred Attention Online
Ongoing Online Groups offering Support and Guidance for the Psycho-Spiritual Journey

Led by psychotherapist and spiritual teacher RICHARD HARVEY

In response to requests for a gathering of likeminded souls to enhance, support and share the challenges, pitfalls and joys of inner work, Richard has created Sacred Attention Online groups.

The individuals gathered define the direction, themes and focus for each meeting. Each participant is invited to share how their personal and spiritual journey is appearing right now and to explore their experience of taking the next step toward unity, clarity and liberation.

Whether you are a therapist, a student of counseling/therapy, a psychological explorer or a spiritual practitioner you are welcome and accepted without hierarchy, judgment or criticism.

Currently, two Sacred Attention Online groups are ongoing. They are:

  • The Sacred Attention Online closed group
  • The Sacred Attention Online open group

Both groups meet every four weeks on a Sunday. Applications to participate in the open group are invited.

If you would like to participate, fill out the form on this page. Include your name and, if we haven’t met yet, a short account of where you find yourself in your inner work (no more than a paragraph or two), including your reasons for wanting to participate in the group and what you feel you need at this time in your psycho-spiritual development.

I look forward to seeing you at Sacred Attention Online!

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